Continue Your Adventure

You've gotten a taste of specialties in your AOWD course and now it's time to deepen that knowledge. Want to dive in the night when all the creatures you miss during the day come out? Feel like your bouyancy just isn't cutting the cheese for those perfect underwater photos? Is -30 m not deep enough to see something interesting in your corner of the world?
There's always more to learn and more to perfect.

Most of our specialties include four exciting dives. With at least two days dedicated to each course, you'll have plenty of time to master new skills. PADI materials and a full set of scuba equipment are included in the price - if you have your own gear, let us know to receive an additional discount. For more details about a specific specialty course, feel free to get in touch with us, and get ready for the next level of your scuba diving experience!
Rp 5,525,000
Rp 4,475,000

19% discount

PADI Deep Diver Special Promo

Explore deeper dive sites with confidence at depths down to 40 meters/130 ft. Learn to manage your gas supply, go over buddy contact procedures, and buoyancy control.
from Rp 2,350,000

PADI Enriched Air Diver

The most popular PADI specialty course. Scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression time, especially on deep and repetitive scuba dives.
from Rp 5,490,000

PADI Self-Reliant Diver

The Self-Reliant Diver course is designed for divers seeking to enhance their independence and safety underwater. It covers critical aspects such as dive planning, air management, and handling emergencies independently.
from Rp 2,200,000


Uniting scuba divers and eco enthusiasts to make a difference. To earn this certification, you'll learn how you can contribute to ocean protection every time you dive or travel.
from Rp 4,125,000

PADI Night Diver

The underwater world changes as day creatures retire & nocturnal organisms emerge. If you've wondered what happens underwater after the sun goes down, enroll in the PADI Night Diver Specialty course.
from Rp 2,200,000

Emergency First Response

Discover simple to-follow steps for emergency care. The course focuses on building confidence and increasing your willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency.
from Rp 4,225,000

PADI Search and Recovery Diver

Retrieve lost items that have fallen overboard or from a dock. Learn effective swimming patterns and using a lift bag for heavy objects.
from Rp 3,425,000

PADI Underwater Navigator

Fine-tune your underwater observation skills and learn to use your compass more accurately. This course may count towards college credit, ask your instructor.
from Rp 3,150,000

PADI Drift Diver

Drift diving can be relaxing and exhilarating. The course teaches you how to enjoy going with the flow as you scuba dive down rivers and use ocean currents to glide along coral reefs.
from Rp 2,675,000

PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy

Observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. Improve the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevate them to the next level.
Check availability and book your spot.
Contact us if you have any questions or you are traveling as a group.